Sale bidding opens – December 16, 2020 – 11:00 am EST | 10:00 am CST | 9:00 am MST | 8:00 am PST
Sale bidding soft closes – December 17, 2020 – 9:00 pm EST | 8:00 pm CST | 7:00 pm MST | 6:00 pm PST
During the Racehorse Style soft close extended bidding always follow the clock of remaining time left to bid
Welcome to the GIT Performance Salers Red Cow Herd Dispersal
Gerry Isley, Langdon, AB – (403) 888-2577
Cody Isley, Nobleford, AB – (403) 888-2578
I would like to thank everyone who has shown interest in our breeding program, and welcome you to the dispersal of our red herd. Through the last few years, we have started to cultivate a red program as we expanded our herd. With Cody coming on to the farm as a full time Occupation we expanded our herd with commercial cattle and keeping the best of our heifers. We also went out and actively pursued some of the best red Genetics as they were offered up for sale. Over the years we have travelled far and wide looking for Sires, we have imported bulls from Georgia, Arkansas, Kansas and Iowa. We’ve also purchased bulls from Alberta as well, being that this is Where Salers first landed in North America it stands to reason that the foundation here is strong. Like many other small operations, we struggle to have enough grazing for our herd at the size it has been, Cody and I both love the cattle and don’t want to graze them away from home we have decided to return to a smaller herd and our first love, Black Salers. We are not leaving this Great Breed of Cattle but choosing to focus on just the Blacks. I have been involved with Salers cattle since 1976 I was just an 8-year-old boy when the liners arrived with My dads first bred cows. Soon I was winning banners and travelling across north America with these fantastic cattle, and when it was time for my kids, Taylor, Riley and Cody to start 4-H we started our own herd of Salers cattle. The Kids have had much success with these cattle, many of the highest gaining calves in the Calgary region and many, many show ring winners. We have been a part of the very successful New Trend Salers Bull sale from its inception which is currently the longest running Salers bull sale in Canada. Over the Past few years, we have been Using the Q-Select Performance markers and we test all of our herd sires and sale bulls for homo Polled. All of these cows (with the exception of 2 that were first AI’d Debut) were exposed to Grady a Fantastic son of Evanston who Is a Macdonald bull that is walking sire at PW stock farm, Grady has Both the leptin TT markers and AA for PMCH (which is the Marbling gene). G I T Performance Cattle is located just east of Calgary, but our Genetics can be found all over, from coast to coast in Canada, and through out the United States. If you would like to view these cattle, we have them in a 5-acre paddock adjacent to the yard. Please feel welcome to Visit and View the sale cattle as well as the bulls that will be available right here in the New Trend Salers Bull Sale on Mar.18.