
Antoine Bonal, 1940 – January 27, 2022

The Salers Breed has lost a great Ambassador. Antoine Bonal sadly passed away on January 27, 2022, at 82 years of age. He served as Executive Director of the Salers Herd Book from 1968-2001. The man a was visionary, passionate about Salers Cattle and the key figure in realizing the significant importations and establishment of the Salers Breed in North America and the United Kingdom.
The first bull Vaillant, S.A.C.# 1 arrived in Canada in 1972. Information meetings and presentations on Salers Cattle by the Herd Book were well received and interest was keen. Many hundreds of cows were bred with Vaillant semen, and the resultant calves were very impressive. Easy calving and vigorous. Soon many cattlemen were applying for import permits to bring Salers bulls and females into Canada and the United States.
The Salers Herd Book was busy receiving incoming clients, arranging cattle tours, accommodations for clients and coordinating all the related activities. Two hundred plus Salers Cattle were exported to Canada and the United States from 1972-1990. The volume of work to carry out health testing, shipping, closing deals was huge. Antoine Bonal made sure it got done efficiently and first class.
He also organized several follow up trips with Salers Breeders from France coming to Canada and the United States to see firsthand how the breed was progressing. International business resulted from these visits as well as many lifelong friendships. Antoine Bonal was a quiet soft-spoken man, respected by all who had dealings with him. I treasure memories of time I spent in his company.
Thank you for all you have done for Salers Breeders my friend. Condolences to family. R.I.P.
Submitted by Ray Depalme.