A 30th edition eagerly awaited and full of promise.
The “Sommet” is a great promotional venue for the Salers Breed,
both in France, throughout Europe and Internationally.
Following the most recent announcements by the
French Government, the organizers of the SOMMET
DE L’ELEVAGE are smiling once again.
Europe’s No.1 livestock show will be held according
to schedule from the 5th to the 8th of October in
Clermont-Ferrand (France).
For Fabrice Berthon, Managing Director, it is a relief
and a sign of hope.
What’s new in 2021?
Check it out! http://salerscanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CP_SOMMET_DE_L_ELEVAGE_MAI_2021_ENG_bd.pdf