
Salers Show at Farmfair International 2021

The Salers breed has some exciting news, as we are set to enter Farmfair International with our own breed show!  It has been over a decade since our breed has shown in Edmonton.  Many thanks to the breeders who entered cattle and the extra help from Farmfair staff to help make it happen. 
The Salers Show will be at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, November 10th
in Hall B, Ring 2.

SALERS BOOTH: The Salers Association of Canada will have a new booth in Hall C on display. Please take the time to stop in for a visit and check out the Salers cattle in the stalls.
SALERS FARMFAIR SCHOLARSHIP: The Salers Association of Canada is proud to announce that a new Farmfair Scholarship has been created,
value of $1600 for 2021.
Applications and criteria

FARMFAIR HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOL: At Farmfair International, the health and safety of our exhibitors, staff, attendees and partners is our number one priority. Farmfair International 2021 will proceed in accordance with all public health protocols and requirements set forth by the City of Edmonton and the Government of Alberta at the time of the event.
Health and Safety Protocols