Dear Salers Member,
The Board of Directors and the Salers History Book Committee are proud to announce that at this time we are collecting information to produce a Salers Association of Canada 50th Anniversary History Book.
So far we have collected several old Salers magazines. Unfortunately, we are still missing some issues. We need your help to complete the entire collection.
Please contact the appropriate person if you have some old magazines that might complete the collection.
This is your invitation to tell your story. We love to hear from you!
Here is a guideline to help you get started
1. Breeders name and/or farm name
2. Location
3. Years involved with Salers
4. Names of memorable sires and dams
5. Names of people that promoted your Salers operation (customers and suppliers)
6. Pictures (digital if possible) and/ or interesting stories that you would like to share (please date and identify people in photos)
7. 4-H activity/breed shows
For each province we have organized a contact person.
Maritimes – Brian Walker – 506-433-1018
Quebec and Ontario – Gerry McGee – 819-826-2918
Manitoba – Richard Grudeski – 204-859-2899
Saskatchewan – Gar Williams – 306-241-4108
Alberta & BC – Kathy Adams – 403-815-9040
Don’t hesitate to contact a committee members if you have questions.